
Bread Clip in Wallet

[Should You Keep a Bread Clip in Your Wallet?]

Trends come and go, and the latest on the block is whether you should carry a Bread Clip in your wallet. These thin and tiny bits of plastic, keep your bread close to the air and help prevent it from going stale. There is reason to be a real fixation on carrying random things in your wallet at the moment. The so-called lifehacks are meant to make your life easier, but more often than not are less than ideal in practice. Just look at the last trend of carrying a Crayon in your Wallet

The first thing you should know is the origins of the Bread Clip in Wallet originate from a clickbait article that was making its way across the web in various advertisements. As you’d probably imagine from clickbait articles, these article’s headlines were a farce and didn’t actually include any reason why you should carry a Bread Clip in your Wallet – typical I know. 


Let’s Answer the Question Ourselves…

Clickbait aside, the question of keeping small, cheap, and easily accessible items in your wallet, such as a bread clip, did get my creative juices flowing. What would actually be a great reason to keep a Bread Clip in your Wallet? Well, honestly, not that many reasons. Remember, the original ‘trend’ was clickbait, so there’s actually not any tangible reason why you carry a bread clip in your wallet. But we have created a list of reasons why you shouldn’t. 

1. It Causes Clutter in your Wallet

Clickbait aside, the question of keeping small, cheap, and easily accessible items in your wallet, such as a bread clip, did get my creative juices flowing. What would actually be a great reason to keep a Bread Clip in your Wallet? Well, honestly, not that many reasons. Remember, the original ‘trend’ was clickbait, so there’s actually not any tangible reason why you carry a bread clip in your wallet. But we have created a list of reasons why you shouldn’t. 

2. You Can’t Easily Access your Cards

Similar to the above one, the more you carry the most restrictive your wallet becomes with it comes to actually accessing and finding your cards. We’ve all seen those large bulky bifolds (often referred to as a dad wallet), filled to the brim with cards, cash, and 10-year-old receipts. Not only does this create a heavy wallet that’ll bulge your pants pocket out, but also make it harder to find what you want when you want it. 

3. The Bread Clip Scratches Grooves in Leather

For around 1 week I tried carrying around a Bread Clip myself to see the potential benefits and pitfalls of such a thing. The biggest issue I came across was down to the Bread Clip itself. Its sharp edges meant that over time it was clearly having a negative influence on the integrity of the leather. Leather is a natural and organic material so anything with shape edges can, and will, potentially causes issues and I found my wallet slowly getting worn down by the presence of a bread clip – not good. 


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